Here are the two I have made. I decided to use papers I've been making (more on this later). There are 3 layers of wax deli paper in each pocket, Golden's gesso (black and white), a piece of round styrofoam as a stamp for the circles. On the pink one I stitched around the outside with deep pink embroidery floss but since the flap was just one piece of paper I just used the pink pen to create stitches (it is a little difficult to see). I also drew spirals in the circles with pink pen and sharpie. The pink doesn't show up very well. The textures also don't show up very well. On the yellow one, I stitched around the edge with gold thread and also stitched spirals in the circles. This flap was 3 layers thick so I stitched around the edge of this flap.
The yellow one is for a cousin who had a double mastectomy and suffered great pain. I think of her often. The pink one is for every woman now or in the future who will have to deal with this life decision. Back in the 80s, I received the dreaded call from my doctor, the blood drains, the mind swirls and decisions to be made. I had two tiny lumps detected only through the mammogram. Tests, non-cancerous and surgically removed. I only have a tiny scar that still hurts occasionally. While my outcome is different so it is for all woman. Check out Melanie's blog and maybe make a breast pocket for someone you know.
Wishing you some exciting and new discoveries this year.
Wonderful work on these! I worked on finishing last November and December, and what a relief it was. I either finished projects I'd started or made a decision, once and for all, that I wasn't enjoying them and wouldn't do any more.
Wonderful work on these! I worked on finishing last November and December, and what a relief it was. I either finished projects I'd started or made a decision, once and for all, that I wasn't enjoying them and wouldn't do any more.
As we brace for another winter storm, I'm thinking of you basking in sunny Florida :-)
I love the pink one.
I had breast cancer 18 years ago.
Double mastectomy.
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