Monday, January 07, 2013

New Beginnings, New Word and Breast Pockets

New beginnings not resolutions. A new word, not for the year, but day to day. I've decided the first word will be Finish. Finish things I've begun, there are several. My first "Finish" completed so far is for Melanie Testa. Click her name to get to her website and scroll down to read her request for Breast Pockets (she has extended the time) and listen to her on the PODCAST there with Rice of (can't figure out how to put 2dots above the e in her name (aargh!) but her name rhymes with Lisa).

Here are the two I have made. I decided to use papers I've been making (more on this later). There are 3 layers of wax deli paper in each pocket, Golden's gesso (black and white), a piece of round styrofoam as a stamp for the circles. On the pink one I stitched around the outside with deep pink embroidery floss but since the flap was just one piece of paper I just used the pink pen to create stitches (it is a little difficult to see). I also drew spirals in the circles with pink pen and sharpie. The pink doesn't show up very well. The textures also don't show up very well. On the yellow one, I stitched around the edge with gold thread and also stitched spirals in the circles. This flap was 3 layers thick so I stitched around the edge of this flap.

The yellow one is for a cousin who had a double mastectomy and suffered great pain. I think of her often. The pink one is for every woman now or in the future who will have to deal with this life decision. Back in the 80s, I received the dreaded call from my doctor, the blood drains, the mind swirls and decisions to be made. I had two tiny lumps detected only through the mammogram. Tests, non-cancerous and surgically removed. I only have a tiny scar that still hurts occasionally. While my outcome is different so it is for all woman. Check out Melanie's blog and maybe make a breast pocket for someone you know.

Wishing you some exciting and new discoveries this year.


teri said...

Wonderful work on these! I worked on finishing last November and December, and what a relief it was. I either finished projects I'd started or made a decision, once and for all, that I wasn't enjoying them and wouldn't do any more.

teri said...

Wonderful work on these! I worked on finishing last November and December, and what a relief it was. I either finished projects I'd started or made a decision, once and for all, that I wasn't enjoying them and wouldn't do any more.

Elizabeth said...

As we brace for another winter storm, I'm thinking of you basking in sunny Florida :-)

Ginny Stiles said...

I love the pink one.
I had breast cancer 18 years ago.
Double mastectomy.