It has been a roller coaster summer and way to hot for human activity. Injuries, flu and extended colds took care of May and June. I still don't have my sense of smell back. A trip to Loon Mt and surprised by our lovely accommodations being on the third floor, no elevator (sneaky friend). Well after catching our breath, we enjoyed the lovely views, cocktail hour, swimming and a trip to a sugar house...yum. Trips to Charlestown Navy yard where the USS Cassin Young was being readied for dry-docking to repair the hull (DH is a volunteer). The ship hasn't been out of the water for 30 years. It will be in dry dock for about 4 months so if you are in the area you should visit. It is a unique experience to get a close up look at the workings of the repair as well as to see the inside structure of a ship. You can also tour the USS Constitution while you are there. Then there was a beautiful cruise around Boston Harbor provided for the volunteers and families as appreciation for their services to the National Park Service who maintains the ship as a museum. And for August, a trip to Martha's Vineyard via the ferry from Woods Hole. Alas before the President's visit. DH had a sore foot so limited walking and hiking but a lovely very busy island. Then yesterday we went to the Marshfield Fair. DH is a woodturner and his group has a booth there to demonstrate the art of woodturner and encourage those who might be interested in learning the craft. A friend he has been mentoring, learned to turn a writing pen. Then there was the fabulous blues festival, yummy food and lots of excitement. While we did have some fun there were a lot of days you couldn't do anything it was soooo hot! Gave a new meaning to the word siesta. Will post some photos tomorrow.
Happy creating while sipping some lemonade.
What a wonderful vacation! The extra steps to climb must have helped with the extra vacation goodies :-). Your DH sounds like an interesting, eclectic companion.
thank you kindly Cynthia for visiting my blog :)
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