Friday, March 09, 2012

Postcards Switzerland and Canada

Having cataract surgery this month. One eye done and I am in awe. Colors are bright and sharp and I can see details like the bark of trees across the yard. I'm walking around with my mouth open. Geez it is wonderful and amazing. Of course it is also tiring looking with one eye still very blurry. I'm surprised at how my brain is actually favoring the clear eye. But need reading glasses more than I did before so life is interesting. Lots of eye drops and relaxation going on. I'm being good as I don't want to screw up anything. Next week the second eye will be done, yay! Thanks everyone for your well wishes. It is greatly appreciated.

Will be back with Switzerland postcard soon.

On to Canada...
March is Women's History Month and today March 8th is International Women's Day.
So I decided to look up Canadian Women and I found three women who are amazing, (I seem to use that a lot in this postcard challenge) inspiring and who have and are making a difference in the world.

The first woman I discovered is Indira Samarasekera who is President of the University of Alberta. In this video she is talking about the need for vision, ambition and courage. Her talk is awe inspiring and her personal story/journey is beautiful. She is funny, smart and down to earth. Image on the postcard is from images.

The second Canadian Woman is Margaret Atwood who is a well known writer and poet. Her website is here. Image on postcard from images. I found this poem:

Is/Not by Margaret Atwood

Love is not a
genteel or otherwise

sex is not dentistry
the slick filling of
aches and cavities

you are not my doctor
you are not my cure,

nobody has that
power, you are
merely a fellow/

Give up this medical
buttoned, attentive,

permit yourself anger
and permit me mine

which needs neither
your approval nor
your surprise

which does not need
to be made legal
which is not against a

but against you,
which does not need
to be understood

or washed or
which needs instead

to be said and said.
Permit me the present tense

The third Canadian woman is a famous Canadian Physician. Dr. Emily Howard Stowe I found this information on Library and Archives Canada. The source for the image of Dr. Stowe can be found here. Dr. Stowe's passion for the rights and health of women and children has made the world a better place. I feel indebted to her and all the other women who have braved obstacles in their lives for the sake of others.

Maddie received Ruth's postcard forwarded from Cuba and learned of her broken leg. After many calls to find out which hospital Ruth is in, Maddie phones her. Hey Ruth, what the heck! How are you? I’m on my way. You can’t do this on your own. I’m cutting short my stop in Canada and should arrive in Switzerland tomorrow evening. I’ve already spoken with the hotel manager and he will let me into your room. Make a list of anything you’d like me to pick up for you. Just relax and get some rest. I'll see you tomorrow. bye-bye

Thanks Darcy for this challenge as I discover and are reminded of the treasures of our world including all the artists in this challenge. Click on the link to the right to see more postcards.


San @ Made in Hem said...

You did well on your cards this week! Like them both! ♥
Wishing you a speedy recovery! :)

Janet said...

Both cards are lovely and I especially like your flower. Wishing you a comfortable recovery and welcome to a world full of colour!

Janet xx

APG Jamie said...

super job on the tissue flower, very pretty <3

love the Canada card great composition

Gina said...

Fantastic work Cynthia! I especially like the floral card for Switzerland, it looks like it is embroidered :D XXX

Alison xx said...

Wonderful card with strong women role models. A xx

Leialoha said...

Love how you honored these women...all so courageous like many of the 'creative ones' here...I hope Maddie finds Ruth on the mend...blessings to you as well for a smooth recovery...Gorgeous flower! aloha.

mags21 said...

beautiful postcards, love your flower, so pretty and delicate.

miniroses (Rose) said...

lovely cards! glad you caught up so we could see them both. I like how oyu are motivated to learn and grow while doing this challenge and doing it so well!

Margaret said...

Well done for catching up, both your cards are fab! especially the Switzerland one, lovely colours! M

Å olanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Both postcard are beautiful! The flower is my favorite. :)

Valerie-Jael said...

Beautiful postcards! Take care of yourself, and rest your eyes! Valerie