Friday, January 01, 2010

New Beginnings!

Happy New Year to Everyone!
May your new beginnings be all you hope for. This is day one for new goals and new adventures. So far, I've shoveled a couple of inches of fluffy snow, had coffee at Micky Ds with friends and DHs Vets group, who meet every Friday a.m., bought two new shovels, had a nap, soon scanning new art journal images to post, thinking and planning projects for this new year and having lots of belly laughs with artist friend. I'm off to a good start!


Tammy Freiborg said...

You're off to a great start with the tools and will to make a path, time for relationships, and exercising those tummy muscles. Keep laughing!

Toni said...

Such a busy and great first day of the year for you! I <3 a nap - I can't ever get enough!!